Ammon Miller: The Major Motion Picture

Thursday, October 28, 2010


...are freaking hard to write. Well, good ones are, that is. The only reason that North Dakota Bois worked is because I've been cracking ND jokes for the past 18 years, and they all just flowed out onto the paper. But I remember ChiKen PoKs  taking me quite some time (and lots of research on Wikipedia) to get right.

Almost immediately after ND Bois came out, I tried to decide what my next parody would be. The first song that popped out at me was "Take It Off" by Ke$ha. I was going to make it about facebook, but it ended up being pretty weak. (Still, I wish I could have played with all that glitter.) I also thought about a Harry Potter version of "Your Love is my Drug" [I'm in the club, the club, the club of the Slug!] but Harry Potter needs a break from parodies...especially since its been spoofed by so many geniuses such as StarKid and Neil Cicierega. Any attempt to match up with the greats would be stupid.

Eventually I got to a point where I wanted to make a parody video so badly, I slapped some lyrics over a parody I wrote early this summer. [Some of you may have seen it, or heard the recording before. It was (Stuck With You) Forever, a parody of Chris Brown's "Forever". It was about Edward and Bella's marriage problems, and having to deal with an immortal nagging spouse.]
Anyway, as I was saying, I rushed to make a video out of a frankly out of tune and premature recording.  The result was an incredibly terrible video that ruined lyrics I was proud of. Fortunately, a YouTube commenter who gave constructive criticism (GASP!), pointed out how terrible it was. He gave me a lot of good advice on how to move forward after ND Bois. I promptly deleted the terrible video.

It was back to my brainstorming sessions. Every idea I came up with just didn't feel right. And that's when I finally figured it out. I thought about the advice the guy from YouTube gave me. He told me not to try to beat North Dakota Bois. He told me to take my next video in the opposite direction, whatever that meant for me. It took a while for me to realize what that meant. My next video shouldn't necessarily be a parody. I can't force myself into coming up with a good idea. I don't want to be rash and churn out something like this crap.

Now I'm not ruling out all parodies. (In fact, just recently I've developed a pretty decent idea. I just need to make sure it's done right.) But what I have decided is that I will not change my current video format to concentrate solely on parodies. I'm thinking I'll leave that to this guy:

So that's what's happening for now. If I come up with an awesome idea for a parody, I'll pursue it. But from now on I'm going to make sure I only make the best videos I can, whatever that means.


  1. I love it too! Sorry, I just barely realized you made a blog. And I love your life/movie description! This will be fantastic, can't wait to read what other ideas you have.

    Your number one fan other than Mom, Dad, and Jesus.
