Ammon Miller: The Major Motion Picture

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Well, it's almost been 4 months since I started my mission, which is really weird to think about. In some ways it's been really long, but in some ways it's gone by way too fast. I've just started my third transfer, and I'm no longer a "greenie" in the field. I can't remember if I've explained transfers in my blog before, so I'll just explain it, and you can deal with it if you already know. Basically while you're on a mission, the time is organized into six-week periods called transfers. You're placed in an area with a companion, and that's where you serve for at least those six weeks. Near the end of that time, you'll get a call from one of the missionary leaders to find out where you'll be for the next transfer. You may go to a new area, your may stay where you are and get a new companion, or you may just stay where you are and have the same companion. Well I found out last week that I was going to be moved down to Mesa and have a new companion named Elder Hill.

I haven't talked too much about my last compaion, Elder Lyon, but he was awesome. He's a super good musician, and is especially good at piano. He tells the lamest jokes you could possibly think of, but they're the kind that are so bad that they're hilarious. He did a really good job training me and taught me a lot of things by example. One of the most important things that Elder Lyon taught me was patience. I realized just how impatient I am. When I want something really bad I tend to complain a lot until it happens the way that I want it to.  But Elder Lyon rarely complained about anything. He put up with my complaining and a lot of other dumb things that I did, and always tried to be positive no matter what was going on. He always looked out for me and made sure that I was doing alright. I'm always going to be grateful for Elder Lyon and what he's done for me.

I'm really going to miss serving in Taylor. I'll miss all the awesome people I met, especiallly Patty and Bennie. I'll miss Navajo Tacos, killin chickens and even the goats that would keep me up all night. But I'm really excited to be in the city! Mesa is awesome. The temple is gorgeaus, and there's so many people. Oh, and the weather is AWESOME! This North Dakota boy can hardly complain while experiencing temperatures in the 70s in November. The palm trees and the sunsets are gorgeous. Although there was a duxt storm my first day. That wasn't do cool. But overall, it's pretty rad. There aren't as many hills down here, so biking is a lot nicer. Oh, and I need to get way better at Spanish. People think that I'm lame down here for being hispanic and not knowing Spanish. Some lady came up to me at Walmart the other day and started talking to me in Spanish. I honestly probably know more Navojo than Spanish nowadays. Oh well.

I love all of you guys! As always, thanks for your letters and support.



  1. i AM NOT sure if Elder Miller will get to see this... but we LOVE you and your smile, your testimony, your music, your Spirit and your love of life. WE ARE IN CHANDLER, AZ and also are enjoying the winter here. We would love to "run into you by accident" sometime so we could give you a big North Dakota hug from your parents and your old Missionary couple friend. YOU ARE A TOOL TO BE USED -- so I know you will be busy and sharpened for His use. God Bless You.

  2. I will make sure he gets to see all the comments made on his blog.

  3. Ah, Elder Miller is making me smile and feel his happiness, just as always. ;-) Praying for you always, Elder, and know that you are turning the world of AZ upside down, one spiritual stone at a time...
    Sis. Cox and gang

  4. Dear Elder Miller-
    Enjoy that 70 weather right now cause in about 3 months it is gonna start getting warmer, and warmer, and warmer.......Maybe if you soak up all the heat that you can you won't be so cold when you are back in ND!

    BTW my dad and step-mother are in the Mesa area during the winter time. I will find out where exactly and if you are in their area will you stop by and just say "hi"?

  5. I'm glad you're in a warmer climate. If you miss the Solomons, don't worry there are some there too. lol. We know you will continue to touch lives in Mesa, just like you did in Taylor. We honor your sacred calling to proclaim the truth of the restored gospel and pray for you daily. xoxoxoxo
